
Your generous giving plays a vital role in extending God's Kingdom and impacting lives with the love and Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through your tithes, offerings, mission commitments, and more, we are able to meet the needs of our growing church and fulfill our mission of making disciples locally, nationally, and even continentally!

Ways We Give

Financial giving in our church primarily consists of tithes and offerings. As believers, we honor God by giving 10% of our income as the tithe and offering additional contributions above and beyond the tithe. These funds support various aspects of our church's operations, including the rent, administrative functions, ministries such as turning point, and more.

We believe in the principle of sowing into God's Kingdom and experiencing the blessings that come from generosity. Therefore, giving is a deeply rooted value at New Beginnings Church, grounded in biblical principles and a heart to see lives transformed by the power of God.

How we give

Church Services: You can give during any of our services using the envelopes provided. Simply indicate the amount and designation (tithes, offering, missions, etc.), and drop it in the offering basket.

You can request for an envelope from the ushers as you arrive into church, or during giving.

Mobile Money: You can conveniently send your giving through M-PESA through:
PayBill number: 247247.
Account: 277578

Please forward your mpesa message alongside the purpose of your giving to 0710 865 654

Send us any queries about giving below: